Sunday, April 24, 2011

Visual Literacy

Thinking about visual literacy and the ESL classroom...

As a future ESL teacher, the informatin provided on visual literacy was really interesting and useful. I think this would make a significant impact on my students comprehension and make them feel more comfortable. If they can't express an idea or thought using their target language, they will have the ability to describe it using a visual representation along with key words. This will help them build their vocabulary and gradual sentence structure. I plan to use these visual literacy ideas, because hopefully it will make my students less prone to feeling like they are falling behind in learning other content areas, because of the language barriers they first must overcome. As they are building their English skills, they will be able to understand the content of a text even if they don't understand each word. This will be a great resource for myself as a teacher and for my students.

To read about visual literacy click here

Here is a link to an attachment for a lesson plan. I found it while researching ESL and visual literacy. This is a comic strip that a teacher used for ESl students. They had to fill in the blanks with complete sentences and they had to correspond with the picture. Click HERE to see the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.

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