Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tools to support organization and collaboration

We discussed how to use different tools in the classroom that help students organize and collaborate. I started thinking about how this could also work for the teacher. As future teachers we have realized from this class that technology is always changing and we must always remain up to date with the most recent practices. This will help keep us up to speed with our students and provide them with the best and most useful learning experience possible. So what kinds of tools are available for us as teachers to help work collaboratively with other teachers and quickly share ideas? I started researching and found a website that offers several different internet resources for keeping up to date internationally. This is even better than chatting with other teachers across the U.S. Sharing and discussing ideas about what events are happening across countries and seeing how other teachers are performing, is such a cool thing! One site in particular was a great way to engage with other teachers internationally, have discussions, share lesson plans, etc. it was called Click here to view the site.

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